Center for Prolonged Grief

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Virtual Workshops

Our workshops focus on the knowledge and skills needed to work with PGD using Prolonged Grief Disorder Treatment (PGDT), a short-term, targeted psychotherapy tested and proven efficacious in three large NIMH-funded randomized controlled trials.

The Big Picture: PGDT Principles and Procedures


6.5 CE Contact Hours

This one-day workshop is designed to provide a conceptual framework for understanding grief and adaptation to the death of a loved one generally and in relation to Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD). We include strategies and procedures for screening, diagnosis, and assessment of individuals with PGD, and discuss how to differentiate this condition from major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. We provide an overview of PGDT and introduce some simple, practical procedures you can use in your practice.

Practice-Focused Training in PGDT

13.0 CE Contact Hours

In this two-day workshop, you will learn how to implement a short-term, evidence-based treatment using active empathic listening, brief personalized interventions, companionship alliance, and a series of targeted procedures to help clients understand and accept grief and optimize their ability to manage emotional pain, think about the future, strengthen relationships with loved ones and others in their community, tell the story of the death, live with reminders of the loss, and connect with memories of the deceased.