PG is not just prolonged. It’s intense and pervasive, sidelining almost everything else in everyday life for a period far longer than is expected by a bereaved person and their friends and family.
Prolonged Grief Treatment can make a big difference in the lives of people with PG. This evidence-based treatment invigorates the process of adapting to a loss.
We offer many opportunities for clinicians to deepen their understanding of Prolonged Grief and learn how to utilize PGT to effectively help people struggling to adapt to a difficult loss.
Prolonged Grief is different from depression and it’s different from PTSD. Effective help depends on a clear understanding of what a person is dealing with.
On-Demand Webinars
Prolonged Grief Treatment
The most extensively tested method available to help people with PG.
people participated in our randomized controlled trials
of participants who received PGT were much improved
as effective as gold standard treatment for depression