Center for Prolonged Grief

Natalia Skritskaya, PhD

Natalia Skritskaya, PhD is a clinical psychologist who currently holds the position of adjunct associate research scientist at the Center for Prolonged Grief.  She focuses on co-leading training workshops and

Sonya Lalisse Lott, PhD

Dr. Sonya Lott is a psychologist in private practice, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of Prolonged Grief Disorder. She is a workshop presenter for the Center for Prolonged Grief,

Kim Gordon, LMHC

Kim Gordon is a Bereavement Specialist at Hospice of Westchester specializing in traumatic bereavement and prolonged grief. In addition, she functions as bereavement support for the Comfort Crew Pediatric Program,

John Bean, LCSW-R

John Bean, LCSW-R is a clinical social worker with expertise in complicated grief, depression, anxiety, and issues related to young adult life transitions, work performance, acculturation and marital health. At the Center for

Nancy Turret, LCSW

Nancy Turret, LCSW is a clinical social worker who serves as a trainer for the Center for Prolonged Grief Grief. Nancy has extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of

Henry Willis, PhD

Henry A. Willis, Ph.D. graduated from the Clinical Psychology program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is originally from Jackson, Mississippi, and he received his B.S. in

Mary Sormanti, PhD, LCSW

Mary Sormanti has extensive experience in social work education and a long-standing interest in loss, grief, and adaptation associated with life-threatening illness. She is a supervisoer for MSW practicum students

Danielle Glorioso, LCSW

Danielle K. Glorioso, LCSW, is a clinical social worker with over ten years of experience who serves as a trainer and supervisor for the Center for Prolonged Grief. Danielle has been

Nicole Alston, MSW

Nicole Alston, MSW is a social worker with a particular expertise in grief who has served the Center for Prolonged Grief  in various capacities over many years. Nicole has worked

Stephanie Smith, Research Assistant

Stephanie Smith is a second year MSW candidate at Columbia School of Social Work. After graduating from UC Berkeley with a BA in History, she worked in IT, non-profit administration,